Become a Sponsor for a Fospice or Special Needs
The term fospice refers to our “foster/hospice” care that provides end-of-life support and comfort to very elderly or terminally-ill furry companions. The furbabies will stay at their current loving foster home where they live out the remainder of their lives. Whether it’s a day, week, month or year, we make sure their time is filled with LOTS of tender loving care and all the things that bring them joy and happiness until they go to the Rainbow Bridge.
For our Special Needs program, the furbabies are either medically or behaviorally unstable and we feel it is in their best interest to stay with their foster families. Sometimes, these pets come to us handicapped, diabetic, or with severe behavioral issues and there is no surgery or medical treatment that would be able to fully cure their condition. But Saving Grace and Her Furry Friends does not give up on these furbabies! Most of these special needs furbabies do not know that they are special needs as we provide all of the health care, medication and treatment possible. They are well worth the extra effort, expenses, attention and dedication!
By helping us to supply the “extras” for our Fospice and Special Needs furbabies, we can more easily place these deserving and loving furbabies with the special foster homes who will love them furever- just as they are.
Looking for monthly sponsors!

Goober “Gadar” Godzilla
This big goober came to us with severe arthritis, hip and joint issues, eye issues and was urinating strait blood. Goober Gadar has seen all sorts of specialists (eye specialists, cancer specialists, etc. etc.) and despite that he was given only a few months to live, he is now with us for over 2.5 YEARS! He is on special kidney food, as well as three eye drops multiple times a day, joint supplements, pain medication, medicated baths and monthly preventatives. Goober Gadar routinely goes to the eye specialist for corneal stains, Schirmer tear test, tonometry and monitoring for his various eye issues. Goober Gadar’s food, medications, supplies and ongoing vet care averages out to about $150.00 per month.

Pattycake was rescued along with 30++ dogs from an animal hoarder. She is likely the result of being inbred and has severe Global Fear and Generalized Anxiety. She never knew what the human touch was while in this hoarder’s home. She is absolutely petrified of people so much so that without medication, she lives under the couch and will not come out unless the humans are asleep. Thankfully, with the help of Dr. Grier and Florida Veterinary Behaviorists, after a year of trial and error with medications, we have finally found three medications given to her multiple times a day that allows her to feel enough at ease that she will come out and be around humans now. She has never been on a leash and is still very scared of human touch. Ms. Pattycake is and will likely always be a work in progress as she has chemical imbalances that is one cause of her extreme fears and anxiety. Additionally, to top it off, Ms. Pattycake also has a torn ACL and other leg issues. However, per the orthopedic specialist, since she is not a candidate for surgery at this time, she is being treated with pain management and supplements, in addition to her anti-anxiety medications. Ms. Pattycake seeks ongoing sponsors as her medications and vet visits are very costly. Pattycake’s food, medications, supplies and continued and ongoing vet care with the veterinary behaviorist, ortho specialist and regular vetting averages out to about $250.00 per month.

Bruce Lee & Norman
Bruce Lee and Norman were found in a commercial warehouse area where other cats were in harm’s way, being run over and fighting with raccoons for food. They are now with a permanent foster. Since they are outdoor cats, they do not accept being stuck indoors no matter how loving the house is. As such, they are used to their quiet neighborhood and outdoor life where they live now (which has a huge enclosure where they go in at night for safety). Bruce Lee and Norman are on medicated high-quality food as both get urinary infections. Bruce Lee and Norman’s prescription food, medications, supplies and vet care averages out to about $200.00 per month.