
501c3 Non-Profit Animal Rescue Org.
Stevie has been adopted by not only a friend from high school but also a former adopter that was one of our first adoptions of a paralyzed terrier that now happily gets around in a wheelchair. Now she will have two super special, special needs dogs. I’m super grateful that she found such a wonderful home. I’m honored that I had the privilege of nursing her back to health. It was a beautiful journey.
Ally was found running around on a busy street. This super sweet senior girl was super thin, anemic, periodontal disease and bad skin from poor nutrition. Now that she’s been nursed back to health the perfect family adopted this beautiful senior!
Bleu found his Furever home! His previous owner died and he had nowhere to go. Now he will be well cared and loved for the rest of his life!
Juliet was rescued from Broward Animal Control with a really bad skin allergy. With antibiotics, Medicated bathes, allergy Meds, good nutrition, and love she healed up nicely and found her furever home!
Pauly/Verdot is adopted!! This extremely sweet, friendly, loving boy deserves only the best! His new mommy and daddy are EMT’s so someone will always be home with him and he has a little sister! They have an acre of land for him to play and run around on! Another #happytail!! Yay for my fabulous little 3 month old boy!!