Sinatra Got Adopted!
Sinatra now Asher is very loved in his new Furever home! Loves beyond reason! Yay!!

501c3 Non-Profit Animal Rescue Org.
Sinatra now Asher is very loved in his new Furever home! Loves beyond reason! Yay!!
John will be one little boy that will be loved and adored by two happy children!
Jam and Jewel are very close brother & sister’s that got adopted together!! These sisters are going to give them all the love and attention they deserve! Another #happytail !!!
Rose, a beagle mix, was born with a deformed leg. A little shorter than the rest but gets around fine, though she’ll be a tripod. Her adopter was in a motorcycle accident and lost feeling in his arm. The two of them relate to one another. Another #happytail
Turbo found his furever home! He looks like he’s been there forever! He sure made himself comfortable and enjoying his bone! #happytail
Hershey, one of our adorable chi mixes found is furever home with a wonderful new family! Yay! Another #happytail
Today’s Adoption Event was a big success! Our gorgeous Noel and cute Simba got adopted today!
Wilson found his happy ending today with his new mommy ❤
Girly aka Lucy now known as Daisy has a mommy and daddy and kitty that adore her! She was rescued from death row at MDAS. We saw her puppy that was in jeopardy due to an URI. When we found out mommy was still there we of course rescued her too. Daisy has the sweetest, and most loving disposition. Yes, her puppy was adopted months ago but it was well worth the wait because now she has a family that dotes on her with love, long walks and plenty of treats! Yay! Another #happytail
Patches, one of the American Bulldog puppies adopted to a wonderful family! He’s got a big brother too! #happytail