Lola Got Adopted!
Lola may have been dumped at MDAS by her previous owners and she caught an pneumonia from that horrible place but NOW she has a home where they adore her and take her on shopping sprees!! Yay for Lola! #happytails

501c3 Non-Profit Animal Rescue Org.
Lola may have been dumped at MDAS by her previous owners and she caught an pneumonia from that horrible place but NOW she has a home where they adore her and take her on shopping sprees!! Yay for Lola! #happytails
Annie was rescued from MDAS with her 6 newborn puppies in Nov. 2014. She was skinny, dirty, and flea/tick infested. Unfortunately her litter of puppies died of Distemper and she almost died of it as well. Her wonderful foster home nursed her back to life and she blossomed into a wonderful girl. 8 months later she has finally found a forever home of her own!! Two little sisters to watch over and a mommy and daddy!! This sweet girl more than deserves this happy ending!! #happytails
Nova was found under a trailer with her brother Titan. They were in a foster home together but the foster couldn’t keep them any longer. Titan was adopted by his new foster but Nova patiently waited. She didn’t get along with her foster sisters. Then suddenly a young married couple with no other dogs fell in love with her and now she has a forever home of her own! She’s walked into their apt plopped on the floor with her belly up ready to be rubbed. She knew this was right for her and she finally found where she belongs. A family to love her and give all the attention she so desperately deserves! Yay! #happytails
Regis found his forever home with a super nice family! Long life to my precious boy! I raised him from 1 day old with his mommy. Hannah, his mommy, is getting adopted tomorrow!!
Hannah was rescued from MDAS with her newborn puppy. Regis was adopted by a wonderful family and so was she! Hannah was covered in ticks, emaciated, and thinning hair. Today she’s gorgeous, she’s still very shy and nervous. These kids fell in love with her and are willing to give her the time for her to come out of her shell. It’s a very sentimental happy tail for me!!
Jetta aka Geda was rescued from MDAS yesterday. Today this sweet friendly puppy was adopted! This family fell in love with her at the shelter but she already had an adopter hold. When the adopters never showed she came to Saving Grace. They wanted her so badly they tracked her down last night and she’s in her new home tonight settling in! Now that’s a #happytail!! Everything happens the way it’s meant to be!